July 15



Hi again,

I just want to start by saying thanks for being here. It feels less lonely putting something into the world knowing that you’re reading it. It’s nice to know you’re here.

Since you’re here you get to know something only 3 other people on the planet know right now. In 3 -4 weeks I’m doing a launch. It’s a launch of something new and it’s PERFECT for cozy cuddly season. I’m very excited about it. More excited about it then I’ve been about something in a long time. But I’m excited about it in a calm way. In a way that isn’t overwhelming but just simply is. Like it feels peaceful and right.

I am a little nervous about the behind the scenes of it since I’ve never launched anything like it before, but I’m not reinventing the wheel – I’m carving my own lane in a path that’s been walked before and it feels good. Can I ask what you like to do?

I have a whole long list of what I like to do, but more often than I’d like to admit I don’t do those things – I’m trying to change that.

I’ve started small and it’s working for me. I realized not everything has to be big and dramatic. Some things can be small and simple.

I don’t have any new photos today, so here’s one that popped up in my camera roll and made me smile.




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