July 12



It is July 12 at 3:37pm and I am sitting outside to write this blog post. Not only am I sitting outside to write this blog post I’m a little bit chilly. I can’t remember the last time I felt a little bit chilly while sitting outside in July, but oh my god it is so nice.

Tonight I will be having dinner with my great aunt and my husband and afterwards I am hoping to go to the Ocean and swim.

Okay, I didn’t go swim in the ocean but I did go to Goodwill! Jeff was looking at buying an Angels hat yesterday, but we decided the $40 wasn’t a good investment for us right now, and we found the exact same hat at Goodwill for $4! So that was super fun and rewarding. Plus I’m always looking for pictures frames that are really beautiful and unique and I found an oval one for $3! So plus tax we spent $8 at goodwill for two things we really like!

On Sunday I’m going to work on cleaning out the garage and I’ll photograph and list the stuff we don’t use/need! I have been playing with different ideas for making $5k this month on top of my regular job and think listing/flipping some stuff might be a good and successful way to make a little bit!

I’m also thinking about my phone again – I need to get off of it. According to Blue Cross Blue Shield Early-Onset Dementia and Alzheimer’s Diagnoses Spiked 373 Percent for Generation X and Millennials. CHICAGO, Feb. 27, 2020 – The number of commercially insured Americans age 30 to 64 diagnosed with early-onset dementia or Alzheimer’s disease increased by 200% from 2013 to 2017. Do I know if phone usage is linked to EOD? No I don’t. But I do know I feel better, smarter, and more lucid when I’m not using my phone a lot. And according to the National Institute of Health “Chronic sensory overstimulation (i.e., excessive screen time) during brain development increases the risk of accelerated neurodegeneration in adulthood (i.e., amnesia, early onset dementia).”

Now I’m down the rabbit hole and there actually are many studies linking screen time to declining cognitive abilities including our ability to have impulse control. So I’m fully on board with a very limited screentime. Because fuck man. I can not believe we’re all just allowed to have these devices that could very literally kill us early. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to die from cellphone use.

Anyways, as always here’s the photos from my day and sorry for being a downer:




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