July 11



Angels baseball gameI think eventually I’ll start adding back in posts that are SEO optomized so that google tells people about my blog. But right now I like this. Right now I’m enjoying having a way to share my thoughts (not the most private ones those do go in an actual journal) but the ones that I think other people might relate to. Or other people might struggle with. Or are just fun and funny. Or are encouraging. Maybe that are educational.

What I really hate is when Yoast marks my readability to “ok” or “needs improvement” because I started multiple sentences with the same word. It’s a writing style Yoast. Get over it.

Something I’ve been thinking about lately is how much I love my instagram feed. And yes I know that sounds cocky/braggy. But I do. I absolutely love my insta grid. For soooo long I tried soooo hard with it. I posted things that were stretching the truth. Things I thought would come across well or a certain way. Just trying to showcase the life I wanted people to think I had. And I always hated how my grid looked. Now I post much less frequently, but fully true things. Things that feel good from the onset, and I LOVE my feed.

Is it weird to feel jealous of yourself? I don’t really have another word to describe how I feel. Like just in awe of how incredibly lucky I am to get to just go to the beach and swim in the ocean. Ya know? It’s not all sunshine and roses, but the things that feel good feel really good.

Do you ever feel guilty for only sharing the good stuff? Like there is so much bad stuff, does only sharing the good stuff create negativity for other people?

Tonight Jeff planned a date night for us no prompting. We were driving past the Angels stadium and I told him that I went to a game when I was a kid and I loved it and it would be fun to go again. So he made it happen for us. The internet and our lives have lots of Bad relationships modeled. So to be in a good one feels good. I also keep seeing people be like “if you post about your spouse a lot I’m immediately assuming something bad is happening behind the scenes.” Which I’ve let influence me not to post about ours. But fuck that. Fuck that. FUCK that. I’m going to post about my relationship and how wonderful it is and how happy it makes me literally any chance I get starting now. My husband is the best and I’m obsessed with him. And he thinks I’m the best and is obsessed with me.

I’m happy. I’m sometimes really really sad. But I’m also so so happy.





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