A Year in Review – Favorite Moments from 2022

A Year in Review – Favorite Moments from 2022

I always like to take some time at the end of the year to reflect on what I’m grateful for. It’s a great way to take a step back, look at your life and all the wonderful things in it, and realize how lucky you are to be able to do that.

My favorite way to do this is by looking through my phone. I’ll go through all my pictures from the past year and pick out my favorites from each month. That helps me remember all the great times we had together, and it also helps me appreciate what an amazing year it was!

If you’re looking for a way to reflect on the past year, I highly recommend doing this too!



In January I photographed three of the biggest stock photo shoots of my career for Canva – they were huge productions and I’m so proud of the results! But I loved updating my built-in fireplace with bookcases even more!

A Year in Review - Favorite Moments from 2022


We were back in the van and I had really missed our little home on wheels! We went back to Disneyworld for Epcot’s Festival of Arts, which was so much fun! We saw a new Cirque Du Solei show, ate at Chicken Guy more times than I can count, slept in countless Cracker Barrel parking lots, visited Universal Studios in Orlando for the first time, and Jeff got to try a bourbon that’s $2,500 a bottle (cause we’re not spending that on a bottle of bourbon lol).


One of my favorite months of the year! We built my garden! 6 raised garden beds in the part of my yard that gets afternoon shade! This project breathed new life and passion into me. And made me feel loved as my friends came over to help!

A Year in Review - Favorite Moments from 2022


While lots of fun things happened in April the best thing was welcoming a new puppy into our home! We adopted her from a rescue, and she was very shy and scared at first! But not any longer!

A Year in Review - Favorite Moments from 2022


May was the biggest month of the year for us. We found mold in our kitchen and gutted and redid the entire thing! Not pictured here, but I even learned how to lay tile and repair drywall. It was a project, but I’m so glad we did it!


I got my first harvest from the garden and cried real tears. We went to California on our final adventure before we sold the van to the absolute sweetest couple. It was a really bittersweet moment for me. On one hand, Morgan has taken amazing care of Vanellope and they’re having a blast. On the other hand, I miss her. Ultimately, living full-time in the van didn’t work for us and Jeff got a job here in Tucson that he didn’t want to pass on. So we settled back into our home full-time. And I cut my hair into a pixie again!


I went back to California to visit relatives and I built a chicken coop for our backyard!


I went back to California one more time, but otherwise this was actually a pretty lazy stay inside kinda month. The photos on my camera roll are either edited work, photos of pets, or photos of Jeff sleeping with the pets lol so here’s some of my favorite work from August


We finally caught Covid early in September, which I know sounds like a negative, but I found so many things to be grateful for in that time. Our family and friends really stepped up for us during this time. Lots of food deliveries and check-in texts. And Jeff and I spent the whole time in bed together. He taught me how to play Fifa and I got him to watch lots of romcoms. We were sick as dogs and slept a ton, but ultimately it felt nice to be together.


Wedding season in Arizona is in full force! Then add to that that I have to catch up from two weeks of rescheduled work in September I feel like all I did was work during October so here’s a photo of my garden popping off because that’s where I went when I needed some work life balance


November is always a fun month for us because it’s both Jeff and my birthday month and it’s our wedding anniversary month! Because we spent soooo much time in Disneyworld celebrating our anniversary and both birthdays last year this year was a chill at home and go to some nurseries kind of year. I couldn’t have been more grateful. This whole year has been our best year of marriage and I am really looking forward to each year we grow together it being the best year yet.


I finished this year with so much joy and gratitude. As always we made a wish at the Winterhaven wishing tree and I just am looking forward to 2023!


Thank you for being a part of my year this year. I am so grateful for you and I can’t wait to see what 2023 holds for all of us! Send me a message with your favorite moment of 2022! I want to celebrate with you!




A Year in Review – Favorite Moments from 2022


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